Mahāśivarātri (शिवस्य रात्रिः = शिवरात्रिः, महती शिवरात्रिः = The great night of Bhagavān Śiva) is an auspicious occasion celebrated worldwide. Mahāśivarātri is considered to be one of the best austerities (vrata) one can perform, which gets the maximum benefits.

  1. Meanings of the name “Śiva”

The word “Śiva” has many meanings. Knowledge of at least a few of them will be extremely beneficial as the real essence of Śiva can be understood through word meanings. Here are a few excerpts to throw light on the significance of the name “Śiva” –

i) In the 18th chapter of Vidyeśvarasaṃhitā of Śivamahāpurāṇa, Sage Sūta preaches to other sages that –

शिवस्तथा प्रकृत्यादि वशीकृत्याधितिष्ठति ।

सर्वं वशीकृतं यस्मात्तस्माच्छिव इति स्मृतः ॥

– (शिवमहापुराणम् – विद्येश्वरसंहिता – १८.११)

śivastathā prakṛtyādi vaśīkṛtyādhitiṣṭhati ।

sarvaṃ vaśīkṛtaṃ yasmāttasmācchiva iti smṛtaḥ ॥

– (Śivamahāpurāṇam – vidyeśvarasaṃhitā – 18.11)

Śiva has Prakrti under his control and thus, he is called Śiva (वशीकरोति इति शिवः – vaśīkaroti iti śivaḥ).

ii) Similarly, in the same chapter Sage Sūta continues to preaches to other sages that –

शं नित्यं सुखमानन्दम् इकारः पुरुषः स्मृतः ॥

वकारः शक्तिरमृतं मेलनं शिव उच्यते ॥

– (शिवमहापुराणम् – विद्येश्वरसंहिता – १८.७६-७७

śaṃ nityaṃ sukhamānandam ikāraḥ puruṣaḥ smṛtaḥ ॥

vakāraḥ śaktiramṛtaṃ melanaṃ śiva ucyate ॥

– Śivamahāpurāṇam – vidyeśvarasaṃhitā – 18.76-77

The syllable “श्” means Permanent Bliss. The letter “इ” means Puruṣa (the primordial male energy), and the syllable “व” means Śakti (the primordial female energy). A harmonious blend of these syllables is शिव (Śiva).

iii) In the 23rd chapter of Vidyeśvarasaṃhitā of Śivamahāpurāṇa, while preaching about the significance of Śiva-nāma, Rudrākṣa and Bhasma, Sage Sūta states that –

शिवेति नामदावाग्नेर्महापातकपर्वताः ।

भस्मीभवन्त्यनायासात्सत्यं सत्यं न संशयः ॥

-शिवमहापुराणम् – विद्येश्वरसंहिता – २३.२३

śiveti nāmadāvāgnermahāpātakaparvatāḥ ।

bhasmībhavantyanāyāsātsatyaṃ satyaṃ na saṃśayaḥ ॥

-Śivamahāpurāṇam – vidyeśvarasaṃhitā – 23.23

Mountainous heaps of great sins are destroyed, as in a blazing forest fire when the names of Śiva are repeated. They are reduced to ashes without any difficulty. It is undoubtedly true.

iv) The 4th chapter of 4th skandha of Śrīmad-Bhāgavata-Mahāpurāṇa describes how Satī describes the name ‘Śiva’, while being angry on Dakṣa, as –

यद् द्व्यक्षरं नाम गिरेरितं नृणां सकृत्प्रसङ्गादघमाशु हन्ति तत् ।

पवित्रकीर्तिं तमलङ्घ्यशासनं भवानहो द्वेष्टि शिवं शिवेतरम् ॥

-श्रीमद्भागवतमहापुराणम् – ४.४.१४

yad dvyakṣaraṃ nāma gireritaṃ nṛṇāṃ

sakṛtprasaṅgādaghamāśu hanti tat ।

pavitrakīrtiṃ tamalaṅghyaśāsanaṃ

bhavānaho dveṣṭi śivaṃ śivetaram ॥

-śrīmadbhāgavatamahāpurāṇam – 4.4.14

That two-lettered word (Śiva), which is casually uttered by the voice of men, instantly eradicates all the sins of that person. Alas, you revolt/hate that most pure-famed Śiva. You, from noble otherwise, are cursed.

Some of the definitions of the word ‘Śiva’, as given in different sources, are given below –

i) Auspiciousness / One who is filled with auspiciousness (अमरकोषः – Amarakoṣaḥ – 1.4.303), (वाचस्पत्यम् – vācaspatyam)

ii) One who is pure and devoid of three guṇa-s (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas) (विष्णुसहस्रनाम-शाङ्करभाष्यम् – Viṣṇusahasranāma-Śāṅkarabhāṣyam – 27th name)

iii) One who bestows auspiciousness to everyone (विष्णुसहस्रनाम-पराशरभट्टभाष्यम् – Viṣṇusahasranāma-Parāśarabhaṭṭabhāṣyam – 27th name)

iv) One who destroys inauspiciousness (शब्दकल्पद्रुमः – Śabdakalpadrumaḥ)

v) One who has eight siddhi-s such as aṇimā, etc. (शब्दकल्पद्रुमः – Śabdakalpadrumaḥ)

vi) Parabrahman (शब्दकल्पद्रुमः – Śabdakalpadrumaḥ)

vii) Liṇga (शब्दकल्पद्रुमः – Śabdakalpadrumaḥ)

vIii) Mokṣa / Liberation (शब्दकल्पद्रुमः – Śabdakalpadrumaḥ)

ix) Veda (शब्दकल्पद्रुमः – Śabdakalpadrumaḥ)

x) God (शब्दकल्पद्रुमः – Śabdakalpadrumaḥ)

xi) Happiness (वाचस्पत्यम् – Vācaspatyam)

xii) One in whom the whole world reposes (शब्दार्थकौस्तुभः – Śabdārthakaustubhaḥ)

xiii) The third God among the Trinity, along with Brahmā and Viṣṇu, who is entrusted with the duty of destruction of this world.

The word ‘Śiva’ has a multi-layered meaning and by chanting this devotedly and constantly, all our sins from multiple births would be destroyed. Not just that, one can attain mokṣa immediately, which would otherwise take multiple births.

Click on the link to watch a video regarding the meanings of the name “Śiva”  – LINK

  • The importance and benefits of Mahāśivarātri

2.1. When is Mahāśivarātri observed?

Mahāśivarātri is the day when Śiva showed his liṇga form to Brahma and Viṣṇu in the auspicious kṣetra of Aruṇāchala (Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India). Since on this day, Śiva manifested himself as a liṇga, the day corresponding to Kṛṣṇa-pakṣa-Caturdaśī of the month of Māgha is called as Mahāśivarātri.

दिनमेतत्ततः पुण्यं भविष्यति महत्तरम् ।

शिवरात्रिरिति ख्याता तिथिरेषा मम प्रिया ॥

  • शिवमहापुराणम् – विद्येश्वरसंहिता – ९.१०.

dinametattataḥ puṇyaṃ bhaviṣyati mahattaram ।

śivarātririti khyātā tithireṣā mama priyā ॥

Śivamahāpurāṇam – vidyeśvarasaṃhitā – 9.10.

Henceforth, this day (Māgha-Kṛṣṇa-pakṣa-Caturdaśī) will be famous as “Śivarātri”, the holiest of holy days pleasing to me.

Śivarātri is actually observed every month on the Caturdashī of Kṛṣṇa-pakṣa, and thus, it is also called Māsa-śivarātri. Thus, there is a difference between Mahāśivarātri and Māsaśivarātri.

2.2. The greatness of Mahāśivarātri – Story of Guha (A character in Rāmāyaṇa)

In Śiva-Mahāpuraṇa, Koṭirudrasaṃhitā, the following story is told to describe the greatness of Mahaśivarātri –

On the evening of Mahāśivarātri, Gurudruha, a poor hunter, sought to hunt to feed his hungry family. He climbed a Bilva (Bael) tree near a pond, where a Śiva-liṇga was situated. During three parts of the night, one by one, three deer (hind, sister of the hind and husband of the hind) approached him. Every time he prepared to shoot them, he unintentionally worshipped the linga, as the leaves from the tree and water from the vessel he carried accidentally fell on the linga below due to shaking. The deer promised to return to him after entrusting the infants of the hind to a relative deer, so he spared them. In the end, when all three deer returned to keep up their promise, moved by compassion, Gurudruha spared all the deer. Pleased by his unintended worship and compassion, Śiva blessed him with the name ‘Guha’ and foretold a future in which Viṣṇu (In Rāma-avatāra) himself would come to his place, obtain his friendship, embrace him, giving him an opportunity to serve Śrīrāma and eventually attain liberation.

व्याधेश्वरः शिवो जातः पर्वते ह्यर्बुदाचले ।

दर्शनात् पूजनात् सद्यः भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदायकः ॥

  • शिवमहापुराणम् – कोटिरुद्रसंहिता – ४०.९५

vyādheśvaraḥ śivo jātaḥ parvate hyarbudācale ।

darśanāt pūjanāt sadyaḥ bhuktimuktipradāyakaḥ ॥

  • Śivamahāpurāṇam – koṭirudrasaṃhitā – 40.95

Śiva became Vyādheśvara on the Arbuda mountain. Viewing and worshipping this phallic idol bestows worldly pleasures and liberation.

This story highlights the significance of Mahāśivarātri, where even inadvertent acts of fasting and worship hold immense virtue, promising both worldly joy and spiritual liberation.

अज्ञानात् स व्रतं चैतत् कृत्वा सायुज्यमाप्तवान् ।

किं पुनर्भक्तिसम्पन्ना यान्ति तन्मयतां शुभाम् ॥

  • शिवमहापुराणम् – कोटिरुद्रसंहिता – ४०.९७.

ajñānāt sa vrataṃ caitat kṛtvā sāyujyamāptavān ।

kiṃ punarbhaktisampannā yānti tanmayatāṃ śubhām ॥

  • Śivamahāpurāṇam – koṭirudrasaṃhitā – 40.97.

Even after performing this rite in utter ignorance, he attained Sāyujya; what about those who are endowed with devotion? They will surely attain complete identity with the lord.

2.3. Benefits of observing Mahāśivarātri

In Śivamahāpurāṇa, Śiva, pleased by the worship done by Viṣṇu and Brahma on Mahāśivarātri, himself states the benefits of observing Mahāśivarātri as below –

यत्फलं मम पूजायां वर्षमेकं निरन्तरम् ।

तत्फलं लभते सद्यः शिवरात्रौ मदर्चनात् ॥

–        शिवमहापुराणम् – विद्येश्वरसंहिता – ८.१३.

yatphalaṃ mama pūjāyāṃ varṣamekaṃ nirantaram ।

tatphalaṃ labhate sadyaḥ śivarātrau madarcanāt ॥

śivamahāpurāṇam – vidyeśvarasaṃhitā – 8.13.

By worshipping me on Śivarātri day, the devotee attains the fruit that usually accrues to one who continuously worships me for a year.

The greatness of Mahāśivarātri can also be understood by the fact that many Sannyāsin-s initiate the ceremony of Sannyāsa-dīkṣā-svīkāra (the ritual of taking Sannyāsa-āśrama) on Mahāśivarātri day. Many auspicious things are also performed on this day.

More benefits of performing Mahāśivarātri-vrata are mentioned in the below verse –

तस्माच्छुभतरं चैतत्कर्तव्यं हितमीप्सुभिः ।

शिवरात्रिव्रतं दिव्यं भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदं सदा ॥

–        शिवमहापुराणम् – कोटिरुद्रसंहिता – ४०.१०१

tasmācchubhataraṃ caitatkartavyaṃ hitamīpsubhiḥ ।

śivarātrivrataṃ divyaṃ bhuktimuktipradaṃ sadā ॥

  • śivamahāpurāṇam – koṭirudrasaṃhitā – 40.101

Hence, this auspicious Vrata shall be performed by those who wish for beneficence. Śivarātri-vrata is divine, and it always yields worldly pleasures and liberation.

Click on the link to watch the video regarding the greatness of  Mahāśivarātri  –

  • What should we do on Mahāśivarātri?

The activities that bring about liberation are given in these two parts of different verses in śivamahāpurāṇam – koṭirudrasaṃhitā – 38th chapter –

शिवार्चनं रुद्रजप उपवासः शिवालये । १८

śivārcanaṃ rudrajapa upavāsaḥ śivālaye । 18

The activities that bring about liberation are the worship of Śiva, the repetition of Rudra-mantra by way of Japa, observance of fasting in Siva’s temple.

कार्यं जागरणं प्रीत्या महोत्सवसमन्वितम् । ४०

kāryaṃ jāgaraṇaṃ prītyā mahotsavasamanvitam ।  40

He shall keep awake with pleasure and jubilation.

The four things that we should do on Mahāśivarātri are –

i) Śiva-arcana – Caturyāma-pūjā (Worship to Śiva in four parts of the night) has to be performed. A Śiva-liṇga can be kept, and Śodaśopacāra-pūjā (16 phases of worship) can be performed to the liṇga. If you are unaware of Śodaśopacāra-pūjā, you can just worship the liṇga by offering bilva leaves while chanting Śiva-aṣtottara-śata-nāmāvali or any stotra on Śiva. Ideally, 4 liṇga-s should be made out of mud and each should be worshipped for one part of the night. In case you are unable to do so, you can worship one liṇga.

ii) Rudra-japa – Do the japa of Rudra-sukta or any mantra/name of Śiva.

गुरुदत्तेन मन्त्रेण पूजयेद् वृषभध्वजम् ।

अन्यथा नाममन्त्रेण पूजयेद्वै सदाशिवम् ॥

–        शिवमहापुराणम् – कोटिरुद्रसंहिता.३८.५१

gurudattena mantreṇa pūjayed vṛṣabhadhvajam ।

anyathā nāmamantreṇa pūjayedvai sadāśivam ॥

  • Śivamahāpurāṇam – koṭirudrasaṃhitā.38.51

(Devotee) shall worship Śiva by reciting the mantra imparted by the Guru, or he shall worship Sadaśiva by means of Nāma-mantra-s.

iii) Upavasa – Do fasting as much as possible.

iv) Jaagarana – Be awake the whole night of Mahāśivarātri and the next day’s daytime.

Click on the link to watch the video regarding what we should do on Mahāśivarātri –

  • Conclusion

Elders and Guru-s have time and again stated that Śiva is pleased with whatever little we offer to him with utmost devotion (आशुतोषी महेशः – āśutoṣī maheśaḥ).

And as per Śiva himself, the most pleasing offering anyone can give to him is by doing Mahāśivarātri-vrata. Let’s all do Mahāśivarātri-vrata, please Bhagavān Śiva and get the blessings of Bhagavān Śiva.

We wish you and your family a great Mahāśivarātri and pray that Sadaśiva bless you and your family with happiness and prosperity.

Kindly share in the comments what you are doing this Mahāśivarātri.  Also, share your experiences, which will inspire us to do more seva.

  • References

I) Indicative list of specific references from Śivamahāpurāṇa

i) 9 types of bhakti towards Śiva

rudrasaṃhitā – satīkhaṇḍaḥ – 23rd chapter, 19th verse to 36th verse

ii) Significance of the name Śiva, rudrākṣa and bhasma –

vidyeśvarasaṃhitā – 23rd and 24th chapter

iii) Greatness of Oṃkāra and Śiva-paṇcākṣarī-mantra –

vidyeśvarasaṃhitā – 10th and 17th chapter

iv) Greatness of Śiva-liṅga and worship for the same

vidyeśvarasaṃhitā – 5th, 18th-22nd chapters, rudrasaṃhitā – sṛṣṭikhaṇḍaḥ – 9th-14th chapters

v) 1000 names of Śiva (Śiva-sahasranāma-stotram) –

koṭirudrasaṃhitā – 35th chapter

II) Stotra-s for Pārāyaṇa

i) You can access some of the famous stotra-s composed by Adi Shankaracarya and others from the website –

List of stotra-s in the website

शिव-पञ्चाक्षर-स्तोत्रम् – śiva-pañcākṣara-stotram

अर्धनारीश्वर-स्तोत्रम् – ardhanārīśvara-stotram

रावणकृत-शिवताण्डव-स्तोत्रम् – rāvaṇakṛta-śivatāṇḍava-stotram

विश्वनाथाष्टकम् – viśvanāthāṣṭakam

दक्षिणामूर्ति-स्तोत्रम् – dakṣiṇāmūrti-stotram

शिवापराधक्षमापणस्तोत्रम् – śivāparādhakṣamāpaṇastotram

श्रीकालभैरवाष्टकम् – śrīkālabhairavāṣṭakam

ii) You can access some of the famous stotra-s composed by Sridhara Ayyaval from the website –
List of stotra-s in the website

आर्तिहर-स्तोत्रम् – ārtihara-stotram

आख्या-षष्टिः – ākhyā-ṣaṣṭiḥ

शिवभक्त-लक्षणम् – śivabhakta-lakṣaṇam

And many more…

(This is just an indicative list. You can read any stotra as per your culture and tradition.)

III) General references

i) श्रीशिवमहापुराणम्, Gita press, Gorakhpur

ii) The Śiva Purāṇa, English translation by J. L. Shastri (

iii) Amarakoṣa (

iv) Vācaspatyam, Śabakalpadruma, Apte Sanskrit-English dictionaries

  • Invaluable courses in your Vyoma portal to experience Śiva during Mahāśivarātri:

i) Kshetra Mahatmyam

i.i) Stories Behind Temples (Virtual Visit of Panchabhuta Kshetras)

ii) Shloka-Meaning-based courses

ii.i) Shivanandalahari – Detailed exposition in Kannada –

ii.ii) Shivanandalahari – Focused Learning (English Explanation) – 2 –
ii.iii) Experience the bliss of Shivanandalahari – Enhance the joy of chanting with meaning

iii) Chanting-based course –

iii.i) Experience the Cosmic energy of Shiva through Nataraja Stotram –

iv) Kavya-based courses

iv.i) Kumarasambhava of Kalidasa – Sarga 1 (English explanation) –

iv.ii) Kumarasambhava of Kalidasa – Sarga 2 (English explanation) –

iv.iii) A Textual Study of Shivaleelarnavam – Sarga 1 (Masterpiece of Neelakantha Deekshitar) –

iv.iv) Nilakanthavijaya Champu – Ashvasas 1,2 (English Explanation) –